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equivalent error中文是什么意思

用"equivalent error"造句"equivalent error"怎么读"equivalent error" in a sentence


  • 等价误差


  • 5 . software designing about planetary - gear transmission . it consists of calculation of equivalent error of the averaged load component , force and deformation analysis of component , contact stress and bending strength analysis . 6
    用vb6 . 0自行开发了行星变速箱计算机辅助分析程序设计,该分析程序主要功能包括均载件的等效误差、各部件的受力及变形分析及齿轮弯曲强度及接触强度校核6
  • And the paper analyzed the relations between the errors of the components and load distribution among the backstop piece , and put forward a method of translating the errors into a equivalent error . for the occasion of several backstops being used at the same time , the paper put forward a project of uniform load among the backstops
  • 1 . each kind of averaged load unit of planetary - gear transmission is described in this paper . equivalent error of the averaged load component of four - planet - gear transmission is analyzed for first time as well as the affection of the manufacturing error of elementary component to the displacement of the averaged load component
    本文的主要研究工作有: 1 .对各种类型的均载机构进行了比较;首次分析了4行星轮机构的均载构件等效误差,分析了安装和制造误差及其对均载构件均载位移量的影响。
用"equivalent error"造句  
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